Sourcing & Vetting Plans

Grow your business with confidence. Whether you need 1 or 100 hires, we have a plan to help you hire the best talent.


Sourcing & 
Top-Of-The-Funnel Vetting

Unlock Growth - Hand-picked candidates sourced globally with a flexible Name-Your-Own-Price model.


+ name-your-own-price model

15% of the yearly salary
Best for companies looking to increase their recruiting team bandwidth and shorten time to hire
Tech and Non-Tech Roles
Remote Productivity Index Scoring [RPI]: Integrated Psychology based insights, beyond surface evaluations
Source Top Talent from anywhere with our team of hundreds of High-Performing recruiters
English Assessment
Job Skills Assessment
90d Guarantee

Flatworld is highly customizable.
Want to work on something tailored?
Let's talk!